Knowledge and Curriculum Semester 1 B.Ed Shivansh publication Marathi Medium | Mumbai University
- Publisher : Himalaya Publication
- Author: Shivansh Publication
- Availability: In Stock
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Description :
Knowledge and Curriculum Semester 1 B.Ed Shivansh publication Marathi Medium book for Two Year B.Ed. Programmed, rightly suggested that student-teachers should be encouraged to become reflective practitioners. For this, three interrelated areas were suggested - Perspectives in Education, Curriculum and Pedagogic Studies and Engagement with the Field. One of the courses suggested under Perspectives in Education is "Knowledge and Curriculum". This course aims at introducing students to perspectives in education and focusing on epistemological and social bases of education. The framework notes that this will help prospective teachers to take decisions about and shape educational and pedagogic practice with greater awareness of the theoretical and conceptual underpinnings that inform it.
Tags: Knowledge and Curriculum Semester 1 B.Ed Shivansh publication Marathi Medium | Mumbai University, Shivansh Publication, Sem 1 B.Ed-Mumbai University